Der Aufstieg des Phönix

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Der Aufstieg des Phönix


Das Event "Der Aufstieg des Phönix" ist gestartet!

Mitglieder und Anhänger des Phönixkults feiern in der Frühlingszeit den Aufstieg des Phönix und den ewigen Kreislauf von Tod und Wiedergeburt.


Event Menü

Während der Event Laufzeit bekommst du zwei NEUE und exklusive Queststränge zu sehen. Aber beachte: Sie sind nur für eine kurze Zeit dort!

Der erste Queststrang ist eine tägliche 'Aufstieg des Phönix' Quest, welche dir eine zufällige Aufgabe zur Erledigung vorgibt. Der zweite Queststrang ist eine episodische Quest, welche dir spezielle Aufgaben zuweist, passend zu dem geheimen beschwörten Buch. Jeder Queststrang gibt dir wertvolle Himmelsessenzen als Belohnung. Diese werden dir im 'Aufstieg des Phönix' Event Menü angerechnet. Du kannst Phönix Eier damit öffnen um einzigartige und wertvolle Event Gebäude zu gewinnen! Sammele dabei Phönixfedern um mächtige Hauptpreise freizuschalten!


Wenn du auf das Event Icon klickst öffnet sich das Event Menü in welchem du Informationen erhältst und deine Himmelsessenzen einsetzen kannst:


1 - Zeigt dir die Anzahl Himmelsessenzen, welche du besitzt und noch nicht ausgegeben hast

2 - Erlaubt dir Himmelsessenzen für Diamanten zu kaufen

3 - Zeigt dir die Restlaufzeit des Events an

4 - Zeigt dir den heutigen Tagespreis an und die Restlaufzeit, bevor diese Belohnung wieder verschwindet

5 - Hier siehst du wie viele Phönixfedern du hast und wie viele du noch benötigst um die Hauptpreise freizuschalten.

6 - Die Phönix Eier, welche du mit Himmelsessenzen öffnen kannst um Phönixfedern und weitere zufällige Belohnungen zu erhalten

Du kannst außerdem auf den Helpbtto.png Button klicken, um weitere Informationen über das 'Aufstieg des Phönix' Event zu erhalten.


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Du startest mit 50 Himmelsessenzen SkyEssence.png in das Event und jede Quest wird dir weitere Himmelsessenzen gutschreiben, als Belohnung für das Erledigen der vorgegebenen Aufgaben.

Die Himmelsessenzen benutzt du um die Phönix Eier zu öffnen und so Belohnungen, mit etwas Glück sogar weitere Himmelsessenzen, zu erhalten.

Beachte, dass das Event nur ein paar Wochen läuft und du im Anschluss an das Event keine Verwendung mehr für deine Himmelsessenzen haben wirst. Also vergeude keine Zeit!

Manchmal fallen seltsame Eier vom Himmel. Du findest sie rund um deine Stadt herum. Sammel sie ein um weitere Himmelsessenzen zu erhalten.

Phönix Eier

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Jeden Tag wechselt der einzigartige und wertvolle Tagespreis! Er kann nur durch das Öffnen von Phönix Eiern ergattert werden und ist nur für eine limitierte Zeit verfügbar.

Stelle sicher, dass du so viele Event Quests wie möglicht beendest, damit du möglichst viele Chancen auf die Tagespreise hast. So machst du deine Stadt zu einem wahren Tribut für den Phönixkult.


Der Aufstieg des Phönix Gebäude Übersicht

Hinweis: Alle Gebäude, welche Kultur geben und 2x2 Felder oder größer sind können Nachbarschaftshilfe erhalten.
Beachte: Alle Gebäude, welche Münzen, Werkzeuge, Güter oder Orks produzieren benötigen eine Straßenverbindung zum Hauptgebäude.

Kapitel I

Kapitel I - Aufstieg des Phönix Gebäude Informationen
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Coins Goods Supplies Orc Strategist
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 1 Goods 16/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 2 Goods 16/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 3 Goods 16/3h
- -
Tower Of Fire 2x3 10s Admirers and members of the Phoenix Cult celebrate the Rise of Phoenix and the eternal cycle of death and resurrection every spring time. 158 - 550
- - -
Sculpture of Phoenix 3x3 10s A sculpture of the cult to worship the ever-recurring Phoenix. 500 - - - - -
Burning Egg 3x3 10s The Breed of Phoenix prospers best in the heat of blazing flames. 540 - - - - -
Phoenix Excursion 4x3 10s A scientific excursion to research the biological mysteries of Magic Eggs. 490 104 - - - -
Phoenix Cult 5x4 10s A tent settlement of the Phoenix Cult. People happily celebrate the expected rise of Phoenix. 480 360 - - - -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 133 - - - 700 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 270 - - - - 6/h
Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
Mysterious Magic Egg 3x4 10s Legends say, the first egg of Unur came from the sky. Since then scientists and members of the Phoenix Cult have searched for more Magic Eggs. 750 - - - - -
Purple Phoenix Egg 4x4 10s Elvenar is far richer with Magic Eggs than Unur ever was. People say, that some even contain the Breed of Phoenix. 690 185 - - - -
Rise of Phoenix 4x5 10s When Phoenix rises, winter is over. Humans and Elves both worship this divine creature equally. 760 310 - - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Kapitel II

Kapitel II - Aufstieg des Phönix Gebäude Informationen
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Coins Goods Supplies Orc Strategist
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 1 Goods 23/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 2 Goods 23/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 3 Goods 23/3h
- -
Tower Of Fire 2x3 10s Admirers and members of the Phoenix Cult celebrate the Rise of Phoenix and the eternal cycle of death and resurrection every spring time. 182 - 1010
- - -
Sculpture of Phoenix 3x3 10s A sculpture of the cult to worship the ever-recurring Phoenix. 570 - - - - -
Burning Egg 3x3 10s The Breed of Phoenix prospers best in the heat of blazing flames. 630 - - - - -
Phoenix Excursion 4x3 10s A scientific excursion to research the biological mysteries of Magic Eggs. 560 120 - - - -
Phoenix Cult 5x4 10s A tent settlement of the Phoenix Cult. People happily celebrate the expected rise of Phoenix. 560 420 - - - -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 154 - - - 1230 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 310 - - - - 10/h
Chapter II - Grand Prizes Information
Mysterious Magic Egg 3x4 10s Legends say, the first egg of Unur came from the sky. Since then scientists and members of the Phoenix Cult have searched for more Magic Eggs. 870 - - - - -
Purple Phoenix Egg 4x4 10s Elvenar is far richer with Magic Eggs than Unur ever was. People say, that some even contain the Breed of Phoenix. 790 210 - - - -
Rise of Phoenix 4x5 10s When Phoenix rises, winter is over. Humans and Elves both worship this divine creature equally. 880 360 - - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Kapitel III

Kapitel III - Aufstieg des Phönix Gebäude Informationen
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Coins Goods Supplies Orc Strategist
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 1 Goods 30/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 2 Goods 30/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 3 Goods 30/3h
- -
Tower Of Fire 2x3 10s Admirers and members of the Phoenix Cult celebrate the Rise of Phoenix and the eternal cycle of death and resurrection every spring time. 220 - 1630
- - -
Sculpture of Phoenix 3x3 10s A sculpture of the cult to worship the ever-recurring Phoenix. 690 - - - - -
Burning Egg 3x3 10s The Breed of Phoenix prospers best in the heat of blazing flames. 760 - - - - -
Phoenix Excursion 4x3 10s A scientific excursion to research the biological mysteries of Magic Eggs. 680 145 - - - -
Phoenix Cult 5x4 10s A tent settlement of the Phoenix Cult. People happily celebrate the expected rise of Phoenix. 670 510 - - - -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 186 - - - 1960 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 370 - - - - 15/h
Chapter III - Grand Prizes Information
Mysterious Magic Egg 3x4 10s Legends say, the first egg of Unur came from the sky. Since then scientists and members of the Phoenix Cult have searched for more Magic Eggs. 1050 - - - - -
Purple Phoenix Egg 4x4 10s Elvenar is far richer with Magic Eggs than Unur ever was. People say, that some even contain the Breed of Phoenix. 960 260 - - - -
Rise of Phoenix 4x5 10s When Phoenix rises, winter is over. Humans and Elves both worship this divine creature equally. 1060 430 - - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter IV

Chapter IV - Rise of Phoenix Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Coins Goods Supplies Orc Strategist
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 1 Goods 38/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 2 Goods 38/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 3 Goods 38/3h
- -
Tower Of Fire 2x3 10s Admirers and members of the Phoenix Cult celebrate the Rise of Phoenix and the eternal cycle of death and resurrection every spring time. 250 - 2500
- - -
Sculpture of Phoenix 3x3 10s A sculpture of the cult to worship the ever-reccuring Phoenix. 800 - - - - -
Burning Egg 3x3 10s The Breed of Phoenix prospers best in the heat of blazing flames. 880 - - - - -
Phoenix Excursion 4x3 10s A scientific excursion to research the biological mysteries of Magic Eggs. 780 167 - - - -
Phoenix Cult 5x4 10s A tent settlement of the Phoenix Cult. People happily celebrate the expected rise of Phoenix. 780 580 - - - -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 210 - - - 2900 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 490 - - - - 28/h
Chapter IV - Grand Prizes Information
Mysterious Magic Egg 3x4 10s Legends say, the first egg of Unur came from the sky. Since then scientists and members of the Phoenix Cult have searched for more Magic Eggs. 1210 - - - - -
Purple Phoenix Egg 4x4 10s Elvenar is far richer with Magic Eggs than Unur ever was. People say, that some even contain the Breed of Phoenix. 1100 300 - - - -
Rise of Phoenix 4x5 10s When Phoenix rises, winter is over. Humans and Elves both worship this divine creature equally. 1230 500 - - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter V

Chapter V - Rise of Phoenix Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Coins Goods Supplies Orc Strategist
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 1 Goods 51/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 2 Goods 51/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 3 Goods 51/3h
- -
Tower Of Fire 2x3 10s Admirers and members of the Phoenix Cult celebrate the Rise of Phoenix and the eternal cycle of death and resurrection every spring time. 290 - 3800
- - -
Sculpture of Phoenix 3x3 10s A sculpture of the cult to worship the ever-recurring Phoenix. 910 - - - - -
Burning Egg 3x3 10s The Breed of Phoenix prospers best in the heat of blazing flames. 1000 - - - - -
Phoenix Excursion 4x3 10s A scientific excursion to research the biological mysteries of Magic Eggs. 890 190 - - - -
Phoenix Cult 5x4 10s A tent settlement of the Phoenix Cult. People happily celebrate the expected rise of Phoenix. 890 670 - - - -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 240 - - - 4100 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 430 - - - - 21/h
Chapter V - Grand Prizes Information
Mysterious Magic Egg 3x4 10s Legends say, the first egg of Unur came from the sky. Since then scientists and members of the Phoenix Cult have searched for more Magic Eggs. 1380 - - - - -
Purple Phoenix Egg 4x4 10s Elvenar is far richer with Magic Eggs than Unur ever was. People say, that some even contain the Breed of Phoenix. 1260 340 - - - -
Rise of Phoenix 4x5 10s When Phoenix rises, winter is over. Humans and Elves both worship this divine creature equally. 1400 570 - - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter VI

Chapter VI - Rise of Phoenix Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Coins Goods Supplies Orc Strategist
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 1 Goods 69/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 2 Goods 69/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 3 Goods 69/3h
- -
Tower Of Fire 2x3 10s Admirers and members of the Phoenix Cult celebrate the Rise of Phoenix and the eternal cycle of death and resurrection every spring time. 350 - 5400
- - -
Sculpture of Phoenix 3x3 10s A sculpture of the cult to worship the ever-recurring Phoenix. 1110 - - - - -
Burning Egg 3x3 10s The Breed of Phoenix prospers best in the heat of blazing flames. 1230 - - - - -
Phoenix Excursion 4x3 10s A scientific excursion to research the biological mysteries of Magic Eggs. 1090 230 - - - -
Phoenix Cult 5x4 10s A tent settlement of the Phoenix Cult. People happily celebrate the expected rise of Phoenix. 1090 820 - - - -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 300 - - - 5400 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 600 - - - - 41/h
Chapter VI - Grand Prizes Information
Mysterious Magic Egg 3x4 10s Legends say, the first egg of Unur came from the sky. Since then scientists and members of the Phoenix Cult have searched for more Magic Eggs. 1690 - - - - -
Purple Phoenix Egg 4x4 10s Elvenar is far richer with Magic Eggs than Unur ever was. People say, that some even contain the Breed of Phoenix. 1540 420 - - - -
Rise of Phoenix 4x5 10s When Phoenix rises, winter is over. Humans and Elves both worship this divine creature equally. 1720 700 - - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter VII

Chapter VII - Rise of Phoenix Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Coins Goods Supplies Orc Strategist
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 1 Goods 97/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 2 Goods 97/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 3 Goods 97/3h
- -
Tower Of Fire 2x3 10s Admirers and members of the Phoenix Cult celebrate the Rise of Phoenix and the eternal cycle of death and resurrection every spring time. 450 - 6900
- - -
Sculpture of Phoenix 3x3 10s A sculpture of the cult to worship the ever-recurring Phoenix. 1430 - - - - -
Burning Egg 3x3 10s The Breed of Phoenix prospers best in the heat of blazing flames. 1570 - - - - -
Phoenix Excursion 4x3 10s A scientific excursion to research the biological mysteries of Magic Eggs. 1400 300 - - - -
Phoenix Cult 5x4 10s A tent settlement of the Phoenix Cult. People happily celebrate the expected rise of Phoenix. 1390 1050 - - - -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Produces Supplies every 24 hours. 380 - - - 6900 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 770 - - - - 62/h
Chapter VII - Grand Prizes Information
Mysterious Magic Egg 3x4 10s Legends say, the first egg of Unur came from the sky. Since then scientists and members of the Phoenix Cult have searched for more Magic Eggs. 2200 - - - - -
Purple Phoenix Egg 4x4 10s Elvenar is far richer with Magic Eggs than Unur ever was. People say, that some even contain the Breed of Phoenix. 1980 530 - - - -
Rise of Phoenix 4x5 10s When Phoenix rises, winter is over. Humans and Elves both worship this divine creature equally. 2200 900 - - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII - Rise of Phoenix Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Coins Goods Orcs Orc Strategist
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 1 Goods 123/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 2 Goods 123/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 3 Goods 123/3h
- -
Tower Of Fire 2x3 10s Admirers and members of the Phoenix Cult celebrate the Rise of Phoenix and the eternal cycle of death and resurrection every spring time. 550 - 8600
- - -
Sculpture of Phoenix 3x3 10s A sculpture of the cult to worship the ever-recurring Phoenix. 1720 - - - - -
Burning Egg 3x3 10s The Breed of Phoenix prospers best in the heat of blazing flames. 1890 - - - - -
Phoenix Excursion 4x3 10s A scientific excursion to research the biological mysteries of Magic Eggs. 1680 360 - - - -
Phoenix Cult 5x4 10s A tent settlement of the Phoenix Cult. People happily celebrate the expected rise of Phoenix. 1680 1260 - - - -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Recruits Orcs every 24 hours. 460 - - - 181 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 920 - - - - 87/h
Chapter VIII - Grand Prizes Information
Mysterious Magic Egg 3x4 10s Legends say, the first egg of Unur came from the sky. Since then scientists and members of the Phoenix Cult have searched for more Magic Eggs. 2600 - - - - -
Purple Phoenix Egg 4x4 10s Elvenar is far richer with Magic Eggs than Unur ever was. People say, that some even contain the Breed of Phoenix. 2400 640 - - - -
Rise of Phoenix 4x5 10s When Phoenix rises, winter is over. Humans and Elves both worship this divine creature equally. 2600 1080 - - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter IX

Chapter IX - Rise of Phoenix Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Coins Goods Orcs Orc Strategist
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 1 Goods 151/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 2 Goods 151/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 3 Goods 151/3h
- -
Tower Of Fire 2x3 10s Admirers and members of the Phoenix Cult celebrate the Rise of Phoenix and the eternal cycle of death and resurrection every spring time. 1030 - 10400
- - -
Sculpture of Phoenix 3x3 10s A sculpture of the cult to worship the ever-recurring Phoenix. 3200 - - - - -
Burning Egg 3x3 10s The Breed of Phoenix prospers best in the heat of blazing flames. 3600 - - - - -
Phoenix Excursion 4x3 10s A scientific excursion to research the biological mysteries of Magic Eggs. 3200 680 - - - -
Phoenix Cult 5x4 10s A tent settlement of the Phoenix Cult. People happily celebrate the expected rise of Phoenix. 3200 2400 - - - -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Recruits Orcs every 24 hours. 880 - - - 210 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 1750 - - - - 117/h
Chapter IX - Grand Prizes Information
Mysterious Magic Egg 3x4 10s Legends say, the first egg of Unur came from the sky. Since then scientists and members of the Phoenix Cult have searched for more Magic Eggs. 4900 - - - - -
Purple Phoenix Egg 4x4 10s Elvenar is far richer with Magic Eggs than Unur ever was. People say, that some even contain the Breed of Phoenix. 4500 1210 - - - -
Rise of Phoenix 4x5 10s When Phoenix rises, winter is over. Humans and Elves both worship this divine creature equally. 5000 2000 - - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter X

Chapter X - Rise of Phoenix Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture Population Coins Goods Orcs Orc Strategist
Travelling Merchant I 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 1 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 1 Goods 196/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant II 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 2 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 2 Goods 196/3h
- -
Travelling Merchant III 2x3 10s A cunning Merchant from overseas: Allows you to produce your unboosted Tier 3 Goods at a decent volume. - - - Tier 3 Goods 196/3h
- -
Tower Of Fire 2x3 10s Admirers and members of the Phoenix Cult celebrate the Rise of Phoenix and the eternal cycle of death and resurrection every spring time. 1260 - 12400
- - -
Sculpture of Phoenix 3x3 10s A sculpture of the cult to worship the ever-recurring Phoenix. 4000 - - - - -
Burning Egg 3x3 10s The Breed of Phoenix prospers best in the heat of blazing flames. 4400 - - - - -
Phoenix Excursion 4x3 10s A scientific excursion to research the biological mysteries of Magic Eggs. 3900 830 - - - -
Phoenix Cult 5x4 10s A tent settlement of the Phoenix Cult. People happily celebrate the expected rise of Phoenix. 3900 2900 - - - -
Orc Nest 4x2 10s A cozy place for rallying Orcs from all close by environs: Recruits Orcs every 24 hours. 1070 - - - 240 -
Grounds of the Orc Strategist 2x4 10s A place where the smartest Orc Fighters assemble: Recruits Orc Strategists every 12 hours. 2100 - - - - 152/h
Chapter X - Grand Prizes Information
Mysterious Magic Egg 3x4 10s Legends say, the first egg of Unur came from the sky. Since then scientists and members of the Phoenix Cult have searched for more Magic Eggs. 6000 - - - - -
Purple Phoenix Egg 4x4 10s Elvenar is far richer with Magic Eggs than Unur ever was. People say, that some even contain the Breed of Phoenix. 5500 1480 - - - -
Rise of Phoenix 4x5 10s When Phoenix rises, winter is over. Humans and Elves both worship this divine creature equally. 6100 2500 - - - -
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.