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Die Weltkarte

Die Weltkarte ist ein wichtiger Teil von Elvenar und du wirst sie daher häufig besuchen.

Während du die Weltkarte erkundest, wirst du viele verschiedene Provinzen und die Städte anderer Spieler entdecken.

Elvenar ist eine mystische Welt voller Rätsel und Geheimnisse, aber sie ist auch eine friedliche Welt. Also, keine Bange! Zögere nicht, mit deinen Nachbarn und der Gegend um deine Stadt herum in Kontakt zu treten. Tatsächlich kannst du bereits gleich zu Beginn jede Stadt besuchen.


Provinzen auskundschaften

Wenn du die Weltkarte das erste Mal öffnest, wirst du feststellen, dass der Großteil der Welt für dich noch unentdecktes Land ist. Genaugenommen ist es zu Beginn nur eine grobe Skizze und die Karte zeigt lediglich die Umrisse. Du kannst jedoch Kundschafter aussenden, um benachbarte Provinzen zu erforschen und Informationen über sie zu sammeln. Kundschafter verlangen für ihre Dienste viele Münzen, sind ihren Preis aber definitiv wert.

Scout palette.png

Wenn sie ihre Arbeit getan haben, enthält die erkundete Provinz mehr Informationen und wird farblich hinterlegt. Das Wichtigste ist jedoch, dass du in sie „hineingehen“ und dort nach Relikten suchen kannst.

Zusätzlich werden die an die ausgekundschaftete Provinz angrenzenden Städte "entdeckt". Dadurch wird der Handel mit diesen Nachbarn deutlich günstiger und kannst damit beginnen, ihnen Nachbarschaftshilfe zu gewähren.



When you enter a Province you previously scouted, you can see more detailed information about it. While on their mission of discovery, your Scouts will spot interesting people and will mark their location with an exclamation mark.

Scouted Province.png

At first, all Provinces may look alike, but, if you look closely, you will see each Province type has its own special terrain, depending on the Relics it contains. You may collect those Relics either by negotiating an Encounter, or fighting it. But, be aware, the enemy units you will find on each Province type will also differ, so, be prepared!

Provinces Overview
Basic Goods Crafted Goods Magical Goods
Province of Marble Province of Crystal Province of Elixir
Province of Steel Province of Scrolls Province of Magic Dust
Province of Planks Province of Silk Province of Gems

Province Distance

The further you go, deep into the World Map, the more distant you get from your city. This means that not only will Scouts take longer to reach far away Provinces, but also it will cost you more Coins to scout them.

The Province Distance will also influence the ranking points you get by solving each Encounter. You will get 1 ranking point per Encounter * Province Distance. For example, if you solve an Encounter on a Province, 3 Provinces away from your city (Distance 3), you will get 3 ranking points.

Provinces Distance.png

Collecting Relics

On each Province, you will meet a merchant who may offer you a Relic. And you just can’t have enough of these magical objects! But of course, they will come at a price. You may take the merchant's offer or maybe, you can find a way to use your troops to get the Relic and save your resources. It’s up to you!

No matter how you get the Relic, it will always increase your knowledge. In other words, for every Encounter you solve, you will receive a Knowledge Point you can spend in Research, to unlock technologies faster. The World Map is a great source of knowledge, you will see!

Solved encounter.png

Province Expansions

You will receive a Province Expansion as a reward, when you solve all encounters of a certain number of Provinces. A tooltip in the Buildings Menu, on the Province Expansion, will show you how many “Completed Provinces” you have and how many are “Required for the next Expansion.”

Reward .png

Neighboring Cities

As said before, by exploring the World Map, you can both scout Provinces and visit every city right from the beginning!

You can take a look into other players' cities, in order to get inspiration for you own, but once you Discover those cities, you will also be able to give them Neighborly Help.

At a certain point in the game, if you take a closer look, you may notice each neighbor has a different image representing their city. This is due to the fact that, as a player progresses through the Research Tree, the map reflects the city´s development.

Cities Overview Elves
First Segment Second Segment Third Segment Forth Segment Fifth Segment

Cities Overview Humans
First Segment Second Segment Third Segment Forth Segment Fifth Segment